Stella Assange and Farida Bemba Nabourema to join line-up of speakers at Plan ₿ Forum in Lugano on October 28th and 29th.
25 Aug 2022, 14:07
Stella Assange and Farida Bemba Nabourema to join line-up of speakers at Plan ₿ Forum in Lugano on October 28th and 29th
Official new speakers announcement: @StellaMoris1, @GabrielShipton @MilenaMayorga @Elsalameen and @Farida_N join the Plan ₿ Forum line up of speakers.
Don't miss the event on October 28th-29th 🇨🇭
Get your ticket now! 👉
Same news in other sources
2TetherUSDT #3
25 Aug 2022, 14:08
Stella Assange and Farida Bemba Nabourema to join line-up of speakers at Plan ₿ Forum in Lugano on October 28th and 29th
Stella Assange and Farida Bemba Nabourema to join line-up of speakers at Plan ₿ Forum in Lugano on October 28th and 29th.
Stella Assange and Farida Bemba Nabourema to join line-up of speakers at Plan ₿ Forum in Lugano on October 28th and 29th
TetherUSDT #3
25 Aug 2022, 14:08
Stella Assange and Farida Bemba Nabourema to join line-up of speakers at Plan ₿ Forum in Lugano on October 28th and 29th
Stella Assange and Farida Bemba Nabourema to join line-up of speakers at Plan ₿ Forum in Lugano on October 28th and 29th.
Stella Assange and Farida Bemba Nabourema to join line-up of speakers at Plan ₿ Forum in Lugano on October 28th and 29th